Trustee Georgeann Duberstein

Personal Note

As I begin my third term as trustee, I reflect back to our move back to Chicago from our mountain view home in Colorado to a promised pretty view, which turned out to be Cranberry Lake. My grandson was two and now he begins his senior year in high school.

I, also, look back on my accomplishments both before becoming a trustee, after my election and as a volunteer to add to the improvement of Hainesville and the larger Round Lake Area.

  • Began and still chair the Great Age Club for our seniors.
  • Established and still organize our village-wide garage sale.
  • Wrote the successful 100-page bid proposal for a 5-year plan to restore the federally protected woodlands surrounding Cranberry Lake by removing the invasive species, primarily buckthorn, and its continuing stewardship, saving the village $30,000.
  • Served on the Woodlands, Open Space and Wetlands committee before my election and have been responsible to oversee the continued restoration of village owned property ever since.
  • Was one of three members making up the finance committee. Recommended zero-based budgeting (all departments start at zero each year) which has been implemented.
  • Researched and recommended the new LED streetlights now installed throughout the village. They not only lowered our monthly electric bill, but gave us a rebate of over $20,000 to offset the cost of the new lights.
  • Represent the village on the executive board of B.E.S.T. (Bringing Everyone’s Strengths Together) a network of organizations whose mission is the betterment of the Round Lake Area.
  • Represent the village on the executive board of LCCTSC (Lake County Consolidated Transportation Services Committee) whose mission is improving transportation options for seniors and the disabled in Lake County.
  • Represent Hainesville on the Greenest Region Contract 2 Committee of the Metropolitan Mayors’ Caucus.
  • Created a tutoring program for Round Lake School District 116 for students reading below grade level.
  • Chaired a referendum committee which led to the much-needed addition to Round Lake High School to alleviate overcrowding and provide students with educational opportunities for the 21st Century.

I am proud to have been selected by the Lake County Journal to receive the ForeFronts 2015 which was presented to me “in appreciation of your overall commitment to making Lake County an exceptional place to live.”

I was recognized by Round Lake School District 116 for my volunteer efforts with an award, 2014-15 Illinois State Board of Education “Those Who Excel” in the category of Community Volunteer.

My plans are to continue these activities and add more wherever I’m needed. Retirement makes all these things possible!

I am open to your suggestions, comments and questions.

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