Online Payments
The Village of Hainesville offers online payments for various Village fees and services.
The Village absorbs ALL costs associated with accepting these credit cards.
We accept Visa, MasterCard or Discover. WE DO NOT ACCEPT AMERICAN EXPRESS.
Utility Bill Online Payments
To pay your Village UTILITY BILL, visit the Utility Bill Online Payment Portal.
To access your bill, use your Name, Address or Account Number AND your PIN NUMBER – Your PIN Number is located on the Upper Right-Hand side of your Utility Bill.
If you would like to set up automatic recurring payments, after signing in, follow the instructions below:
- Select Sign up for Recurring Utility Bill Payments.
- Complete the registration form and select REGISTER.
- You will receive an Activation Link to the email address you registered with. Please click the link in that email to complete account activation and log back in.
- On the account Dashboard click on the RECURRING PAYMENTS toggle button.
- On the Recurring Payments screen:
a. Click on “Add New Payment Method” link, select Credit/Debit. Enter in all required fields then click SAVE.
b. Choose when the recurring payments should start. Keep in mind bills are due on the 10th.
c. Use the drop-down arrow to choose how often you would like the recurring payments to be processed.
d. Under “I’d like my payments to repeat on” should be filled in with your date choice from above. If you chose “on the due date” in the prior step, this option is not shown.
e. Click “I agree to the Terms and Conditions” then click Save Recurring Payments button.
Please retain your registration information for your use to modify your account for recurring payments.
For assistance, please contact us at 847-223-2032 or send us an email.
Other Online Payments
To pay any of the items below, visit the Online Payments Portal.
Building Permit, Business License, Occupancy Inspections, Rental Deposit, Special Events, Water Meter and Miscellaneous Fees.
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