Business Licenses
If you are looking to open a business in Hainesville; either a store front or home business you will need to look up if your business is an allowed business per our Zoning Ordinance.
View the Allowed Uses under Title 17 – Zoning, Chapter 17.03.010c , or view Home Occupations under Chapter 17.04.060.
Please contact the Village Clerk Christina Reiser 847-223-2032 for any questions.
Application Requirements
To apply for a business license, you will need to do the following:
- Be sure your type of business is a permitted use for the property prior to the purchase or lease.
- To obtain a business license, apply online using our Business License Application Form below.
- If you would like information on business license fees, view the Business License Fees Ordinance.
- If you are doing any remodeling, installing a sign or changing anything electrical you MUST apply for a building permit. Visit the Building Permit Application Form.
- An inspection is required by the Fire Marshall and our Building Inspector before you can open for business.
Business Entities
If you are Incorporated, Limited Partnership or a Sole Proprietorship, you must register with the State of Illinois at: Illinois Secretary of State 312-793-3380 or visit the Secretary of State website.
Corporations, Partnerships and Sole Proprietorship are required to have an FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number). To obtain one, visit the IRS FEIN webpage, call Federal Taxpayer Services at 800-829-1040 or contact your accountant.
Retail Businesses
If your business is a Retail Sales Business, you must have a sales tax number. To obtain your sales tax number call the Illinois Department of Revenue at 800-829-4933 or visit their website.
Restaurants & Food Sales
If you are a Restaurant owner or sell food items you are required to call the Lake County Health Department at 847-377-8020 to obtain a permit.
Liquor Licenses
If you are looking to apply for a Liquor License with your new business, please contact the Village Clerk to request the application.
At this time, the Village of Hainesville does NOT require a Solicitors License.
Business License Application Form
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